Glow with gratitude: giving thanks for the simple things

Call me crazy, but I love creating a gratitude pumpkin at this time of the year.  I started the tradition a few years ago as a way of grounding in the season.  With all the change that is associated with Autumn, I found that a daily practice of gratitude helped to ground me and allow my energy to become more internal as the season’s energy naturally encourages you to go within.  

Gratitude is the appreciation of what is meaningful and valuable to us in our lives. Practicing daily gratitude has been shown to create positive emotions such as love, joy, and contentment and improve well-being. Gratitude as a whole is a great tool to help to lower stress.  Creating a list of things we are thankful for during this changing season can help to keep us in the here and now while appreciating all that we have.  It helps to create a place of gratitude for the year that has been and gone as we transition into what can be a challenging season for some. Focusing on the positives of daily life and for all the wonderful and abundant simple things we have in life rather than the negatives. So often positive events occur and we pay little attention to them because we are too busy focusing on the not-so-good things that are happening to us or that have happened.

To create a “gratitude pumpkin” all you need is a pumpkin and a pen. Think of the pumpkin as your journal.  Take it in turns throughout the family to write a daily entry of “thankfulness” on it.  I even get my dinner guests or friends that have come over to contribute to our pumpkin. The pumpkin serves as a reminder of the good in the world. It is such a lovely experience to all sit around with a warm mug of something after a few weeks and read what you have written. 

I would LOVE to see your recreations.  Please tag me on Instagram with your pumpkins!

To finish I would like to share this quote by Eckhart Tolle “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance”.

Sending love.
Katie xx


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