Nutrition basics: How to build a balanced plate

I don’t believe in counting calories or tracking your food intake (unless there is a reason to do so). What I do believe in is eating intuitively and this balance plate method helps you to do that as well as helping you:

  1. Feel more satiated and full

  2. Have more energy as you are incorporating all the essential macros on your plate.

  3. Enjoy filling your plate with delicious nutritious food.

As a general rule, concentrate on filling your plate with:

  1. Half a plate of colourful vegetables/salad/fruit

  2. ¼ of a plate of good quality proteins which includes organic meat, poultry, fish, eggs, quinoa, dairy, tofu, beans, and pulses

  3. ¼ of a plate of complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and starchy vegetables

  4. ½ tbsp of healthy fat foods such as a good quality oil (olive oil or coconut oil, ghee, and organic butter)


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