From chaos to harmony: how to embrace cyclical living in a fast paced world

The simplest definition of cyclical living is living in harmony with nature and its natural cycles and also following the natural rhythms that occur within us.

Everything follows cycles. Just as nature follows cycles, so do our bodies. Examples of cycles in nature are the seasons and the moon phases. Hormonal cycles and our circadian rhythm are examples of cycles that happen within us.

A wonderful quality of cyclical living is that it recognises that each phase of the cycle, no matter which example we look at, offers unique qualities and therefore requires a different approach to live in harmony and to benefit from it. Embracing the energy from the phase of the cycle, going with rather than against supports us energetically. Developing intuition and living intentionally, allows for a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. It provides us the ability to slow down and go with what is happening in the moment rather than against it. Bringing increased feelings of balance and vitality.

Examples of cyclical living

Cycle syncing

This involves adapting and aligning your daily routines, rituals, activities, and exercise with the different phases of your menstrual cycle and hormonal fluctuations. By recognising the shifts in hormones that happen throughout our cycles we can capitalise and optimise our health and wellbeing.

With a greater understanding of hormone fluctuations and how these materialise for us in our mind and body, we can tailor our nutrition, exercise, and self care to better support these natural phases. Cycle syncing and increased awareness around hormonal shifts can lead to supporting some of those with symptoms associated with certain times of our cycles for example, PMS, migraines as well as hormonal balance. Cycle syncing provides space for listening to your body and what it is trying to tell you and giving yourself what you need. Where do you feel more confident and energised? Where do you feel tired and need to rest more?

Lunar cycles

This is a lifestyle approach that involves aligning rituals and self care practices with the phases of the moon. This can support personal growth and manifestation, and stress management while gaining a deeper spiritual connection. By incorporating the different energy that comes with the new moon, full moon, waxing moon, and waning moon you can set fresh intentions and reflect on where you are, therefore providing more intention within life.

Seasonal rhythms

Seasonal living is embracing nature's natural rhythms at certain times of the year. The concept of seasonal living allows the space to align and embrace the cycles of nature and to live in a way that is how nature intended. When we live in tune with the current season, nature gives us the go ahead to slow down mentally and physically.  Going with, rather than against nature provides alignment.  When we embrace the natural cycles and flow happening around us, life can become somewhat slower. We embrace the energy of the season. For example, more rest in winter, personal growth in spring, vincreased energy in summer and letting go in Autumn. By embracing cyclical living, you can deepen your connection to the natural world. This can support feelings of being grounded and rooted.

Daily rhythms

Our body's natural rhythms throughout the day can also be part of cyclical living. A circadian rhythm is our internal body clock and is the biological process that regulates our natural sleep-wake cycle like when to wake up and get out of bed and when to sleep and eat. The 24 hour cyclical rhythm is influenced by external factors such as light. The circadian rhythm is controlled by the body's internal clock located in the brain. It is responsible for maintaining a consistent daily pattern of sleep, metabolism, and hormone production.

We can also look at our natural ebbs and flow of energy during the 24 hour day. When do we feel our most energised? When scheduling the day we can work with our natural energy cycles and therefore optimise your productivity and energy levels throughout the day by assigning times to tasks and activities according to when you are most energetic and when you experience energy dips. Arranging your day according to this, for example, scheduling in concentration work when you are most focused, for me this is in the morning. And less taxing work in the afternoon. You can also look at when is best to schedule certain forms of movement into your day.

How to use cyclical living

Cyclical living in all its forms involves developing a deep understanding of your body's rhythms and using this knowledge to guide your self care practices. This may include practices such as eating nourishing seasonal foods, different types of rest, stress management, and engaging in physical activity that’s right for that present moment. The goal of cyclical living is to help you feel more in tune with your body and natural rhythms.

Cyclical living can help to form a deeper and more holistic connection with the world around you. Therefore creating more harmony within your life.

What does cyclical living look like for you? Do you currently embrace a form of cyclical living? I’d love to know your experience with cyclical living. Do come and find me @katiejensonhull on Instagram.

Much love

Katie xx


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