How to a gain a fresh perspective

The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body - Bruce H. Lipton

Travel is an amazing way to gain a fresh perspective on life. We become so stuck in our daily grinds and in the same routines. Doing the same things day in. Eating the same foods. Taking the same route to work every day. Closing our eyes to what is in front of us.

Travel is a luxury in so many ways. The number one luxury of travel is that it allows us to expand our minds and to broaden our horizons. When I look out of a plane window, I am once again reminded that there is a much bigger world out there than just me, living in my little bubble. My daily To-do-list sometimes makes it hard for me to remember this.

Travel allows us to:

  • Realise how lucky we are.

  • To see how beautiful the world is.

  • Realise that experiences are better than possessions.

If travel isn’t on the cards anytime soon and you are in need of a fresh perspective, here are a few of my favourite tips:

  • Live in the present moment - ground in the season

  • Show gratitude for all that you have

  • Try something new

  • Don't compare yourself to others

It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view - George Elliot

I hope this serves as a little inspiration for you.

Much love,

Katie xx


Tips by a Nutritionist to stay healthy whilst travelling