Tips by a Nutritionist to stay healthy whilst travelling

Here are a few of my recommendations for staying healthy whilst travelling and out of your normal routine:

Be mindful of nutrition …

  • But do not let it take over. Holidays are a time to relax and not a time for restriction. Operating a 80:20 approach, eating 80% whole real nutrient dense foods and then allowing yourself to relax with choices 20% of the time. Sometimes this may look like 70:30 or 90:10, the point is to be mindful and act with balance.

  • Eat protein first thing. Eating a protein rich breakfast will reduce insulin spikes throughout the day and help to curb cravings.

  • Eat balanced plates with an emphasis on filling the plate with colourful veggies.

  • Say no to the bread basket.

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. 1.5-2 litres of water (more if you are in a hot country and sweating lots).

  • This may be hard, but say no thank you to lunchtime drinking and do not drink on an empty stomach, but if you do, make sure to alternate with a glass of water.

  • I like to pack probiotics, green and red powders (these are great insurance if your diet isn’t quite as nutritious as normal or you don’t have access to your normal way of eating), magnesium (to help calm the mind when traveling far) collagen, and any other supplements I am currently taking.

Exercise …

  • Make the most of used water bottles and refill so you can use them as weights in the room. There are lots of great 10-30 minute strength routines on YouTube that you can follow along to.

  • Pack a resistance band and/or a skipping rope - they take up little room in your suitcase. They allow for interesting workouts and again you can find workouts online to follow.

  • Make the most of outdoor swimming and walking.

  • Incorporate Yoga or Pilates into your morning routine. Do it on the beach or in your room. With any luck, you will have formed a great habit by the time you get home.

Gut health tip …

Consume gut healthy organic natural yoghurt or kefir before you travel to help to increase your microbiome. These will help support your digestive and immune system while travelling and may help with traveller’s tummy. I like to make daily smoothies before going away containing kefir and berries rich in polyphenols which help to strengthen and feed our good bacteria. There are also some good probiotics on the market that contains strains of probiotics that can help further support gut health while travelling.

Wishing you a great holiday and a safe trip.

Much love.

Katie xx


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